Friday, January 6, 2012

Selling your home in 2012

Selling your home in 2012?

Even though there is still an overstock of residential properties, there are definitely buyers out there. How can you make your property stand out above the rest? Here are some helpful hints derived from

1. Start with the right price

Don’t rely on old strategies of holding out. Make sure your real estate professional does a comparative sales survey and prices it accordingly from the start.

2. Do your “homework”

Prep, paint, stage, scrub, improve and then do it again, over and over. Your home should scream “Buy me, I’m beautiful!” from the curb all the way to the backyard.

3. Be ready to negotiate

Sweeten the pot by offering to pay closing costs, property taxes, HOAs, or leaving the appliances.

4. Embrace technology

Make sure you have an agent that is familiar with social media, Smart phone apps, and the internet. Buyers are using these tools to find homes.

5. Avoid Fraudsters!

If you're unsure of an offer, use a real estate professional or have an attorney or other trusted adviser look it over

6. Finance 101

Realize it's harder to qualify for loans these days. Consider cash offers, even if they're not the highest.

Remember, you are your best spokesperson for selling your home. If you can control your ego and emotions you can serve as an true asset. Be careful about making verbal promises. Let your real estate professional guide you.

Visit Western Handshake

1 comment:

  1. There is still an overstock of residential properties, there are absolutely buyers out there.

    Homeowners Association Management
