Do you love being a Realtor? Do you know your market? Put your enthusiasm, professional knowledge and familiarity with your community to work. Raise up your antenna, get out socially, put a big smile on your face and spread your knowledge. Your enthusiasm and expertise will shine through with the people you meet and the conversations you have. It’s called “attraction-based real estate.” The idea comes from an article by Jennifer Allan from Realty Times. Here are 2 steps to success.
1. Always be mastering your market. Speak intelligently about the local real estate market stats and trends. For example, when you're out, be knowledgeable about the specific area you are in. A real estate agent who knows the market builds confidence and draws people.
2. Put your smiling face and your real estate expertise in front of as many people as you can. Open your social calendar. Accept invitations. Go to lunch with friends three times a week. Instead of an email, pick up the phone. Go into the bank instead of the drive-thru. Go to community events. March in the parade. Join the Chamber. Mingle. Donate. Be effective.
You love your work and that is the impression you will leave with everyone you come into contact with. Have fun and good business karma will follow.
For the entire article: click http://realtytimes.com/rtpages/20120220_attraction.htm
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