Friday, January 20, 2012

Save energy while selling your home

If your house is on the market and sitting empty, that cost is important to watch so you don’t feel like you’re making a revision of the “Money Pit!”

You can turn off appliances but that’s not enough. Unplug them and put them away. They suck away at energy, costing you $$$. Besides that, a home shows so much better without those unsightly appliances. When a potential buyer is touring your home (whether you are living in it or not) you want it to look like a model home. Put away the toaster, blender, toaster grill, juicer, hair dryer, electric toothbrush, phone chargers, and maybe even the computer. You will de-clutter and save money on your utility bill, too. The buyer will be able to see the counter tops and the floor beneath a desk, instead of an electrical nest.

This isn't just for sellers. It's good for all of us. While we may not put every cord away routinely, we can conserve a bit more by unplugging (from the wall) the appliances. It stops the energy bleed.

It's also a good idea to get your heating/cooling system checked. I spent a whole lot of hundreds of dollars in Phoenix one summer with a poorly functioning HVAC system. Sure…a buyer’s home inspection will reveal issues but if you can start the energy-saving practices ahead of time, you'll be in good shape when buyers ask, "So, what's the average electric bill for this place?" A lower energy bill makes your home more attractive to a potential buyer.

Derived and summarized from 1/6/2012

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